
Requests I hear from clients:

Is there any chance we could maybe not do floor exercises?

I’m extra tired today could we do most of the exercises on the floor?

My knee hurts when I do this.

My rib is out so I can’t do that today.

I really don’t enjoy xyz.

Can we stay seated the whole time?


This is exactly what Mindfully Active is all about! I WANT to hear your wishes, desires, preferences, limitations etc.

Changing things up, exploring new options is what I LOVE doing! I’m here to customize exercises not just give you a standard plan. You can find those on YouTube now.

What you can’t find is something intricately customized for YOU. Feedback given directly related to how I see you moving, how you describe the feeling, and if you enjoy it.

This can vary from day to day. Each time we meet we meet your body where it’s at right then.

I thrive on creating spaces for you to connect with your body today, showing you step by step how to increase ease of movement and build strength in ways that meet you where you are so that you move and function with more ease!

Since starting Mindfully Active I’ve worked with a variety of fantastic clients one on one and in classes both locally and online helping them build strength and gentle movement programs that fit them. Hearing comments like the following totally make my day:

“I can get in and out of my car much more easily now!”

“I came to class feeling sore and tired and feel SO much better now!”

“I was able to do a lot more then I thought I could!”

“We were able to Kayak on our vacation much more easily thanks to this class!”

“I like that option much better!”

“My body feels good all over”

“This class is essential”

“I love the personalized attention to small details even in a class format”

“I can step up curbs now without fear of losing my balance”

Whether you’re wanting to build general strength, gently ease into movement or explore more fun ways to keep being active I love creating programs that are personalized to YOU.


Growing up I remember walks with family, playing on the playground, biking once I got over my fear, mimicking the ice skaters during the Olympics in my socks on the hardwood floors, bouncing on a small bouncer and later my brothers trampoline.  PE had it’s moments of being fun but wasn’t really my thing. In high school and university I enjoyed trying out exercise videos off and on and walking/hiking in nature with friends.

After University grad, with no friends to exercise with, I didn't move as much and found myself frustrated with my lack of stamina on hikes with my husband.

It was my own journey of at home exercise that lead me to explore becoming an ACE certified Personal Trainer. I discovered that I loved learning about the body and how to help it safely build strength and stamina. I continue my learning journey by reading, attending workshops, trying things out for myself and listening to my clients. I especially enjoy functional strength training that can be done without machines.  I love exploring the options for body weight, free weights, bands and other awesome options out there.

What I experienced was that feel good steps, even small ones (perhaps especially small ones), taken consistently add up in a powerful way. Things begin to snowball and movement gets easier and more fun to do.


I’m passionate about the power of exercising from a place of wanting to feel good and function with more ease and letting any weight loss pressure fall to the side. For me exercising to lose weight added a lot of stress and anxiety to my life. Focusing on respecting my body and finding myself at home in it, no matter it’s size, has been, and still is, an incredible journey, a freeing and empowering one!

I offer body positive, highly personalized strength and movement sessions in the comfort of your home! If you have a good internet connection, then I can meet you anywhere in the world.

I also offer in person training and classes in Newberg, Oregon at Chehalem Physical Therapy Inc. 

I'm a Reembody Method apprentice practitioner and am loving all it's doing for my own body and using it with my clients! 

I have a little continuing education in exercise for Fibromyalgia and Arthritis. Taking things at the pace your body is ready for is even more crucial with most chronic conditions. I don't consider myself a specialist in any chronic condition. If you want that then look elsewhere or let me know and I might have a recommendation. What I do have is empathy and a willingness to listen to your lived experience and help you explore what movement feels good to your body right now.

Gillian’s compassionate presence made space for the unexpected emotions that arose when I had a hard time adjusting to my body’s limitations. Gillian guided me to trust my body but also showed me how to guide my body into more trust. It was a profound experience I carried with me after, enabling me to take on greater fitness levels." – Alana

Unsure what movement you want to pursue next or what support might be right for you? Click here to schedule a free exploration call!

If you'd rather e-mail I'd love to hear from you at
